Bio Diversity Status
More than 188 species of plants recorded including herbal plants recorded and out of these 121 species of herbs, 10 species of shrubs, 30 species of trees, 9 species of herbaceous climbers and 16 species of grasses.
About 10 species of threatened birds recorded includes species of critically endangered (CR) birds, species of nearly threatened (NT) birds recorded.
More than 320 bird species recorded out of these 20 common resident water bird species and 44 common resident woodland species and 43 migratory water birds species and 26 migratory woodland birds species.
About 10 species of mammals includes nilgai, indian mongoose, blacknaped hare, jackels, 08 species of reptiles, 02 species of amphibians.
One of the 466 iba (international bird area) sites in india.
A variety of both native and exotic species (188) of plants can be seen in OBS. The water body is mainly covered in patches by water hyacinth Eichhornia cracippes and water lettuce Pistia stratiotes. Hydrilla verticillata, Vallisnaria spiralis, Potamogeton pectinatus, Potamogeton crispus are the common submerged vegetation. The reed beds, Typha angusatata and Phragmites maxima are abundant along the deltas and banks providing habitat for birds of all kinds in the Sanctuary. The banks have a variety of trees (30 species) like Ficus, Babool, Sheesham, Semal, Subabool, Keekar and several shrubs (10 species) and herbs (9 climbers, 16 grasses). This provides excellent hiding, and roosting site for birds.
Apart from birds 10 species of Mammals including Nilgai, Indian Mongoose, Black-naped Hare & Jackals along with 08 species of Reptiles, 02 species of amphibians and more than 30 species of butterflies and numerous other insects are also recorded from OBS.